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A future-focused children's entertainment brand, providing fun and interactive entertainment for kids aged 3-15 to enjoy, featuring interactive boards and collectible cards for kids to interact with while learning about current Australian Open players. 


University Project 

AO Play creates a playful, interactive experience engaging for kids. Along with the playful festival entrance and playground, AO Play also features a range of interactive boards and collectible cards consisting of current tennis players, creating a fun yet educational experience for the kids. 

Interactive Boards

These interactive boards are scattered throughout the playground to form a treasure hunt. Kids can interact with these boards with their wristbands; once their wristband lights up, they can push the tennis ball to select an answer. This response is recorded on their wristband, and when handed in at the exit, they can receive a prize for each correct answer.

In total, there are five different boards, representing different tennis players. Each board has a multiple-choice question about the player that the kids can answer, allowing kids to learn something new and engage with the tennis culture while playing amongst the playground. 


The wristbands fitted with an RFID tag allows kids to engage with the interactive boards throughout the playground, collecting their answers to each question.

The wristbands come in three different colours and allow kids to interact with the festival by collecting their responses to the interactive board questions, determining which collectible cards they receive on exit. These wristbands are made from bamboo and recycled fabric, therefore being sustainable. 

Collectible Cards

There are five different cards to collect featuring the five players on the interactive boards. Each card also features a small profile on the player, including the correct answer to the treasure hunt. 

When exiting, visitors will also be encouraged to hand in their wristbands to be reused. Once handed in, the kids can also receive collectible cards for each correct answer they received in the treasure hunt.


Each card represents each player highlighted within the treasure hunt, and the kids would receive the player's card if they got their answer correct. The kids can also take these cards home, extending their festival experience outside Enterprize Park. When scanned with a phone, through AR, these players come to life, engaging the kids.


AO Play

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